Since its beginning in 2018, Kirkland Trails, Inc. has accomplished a great deal. In partnership with the Town of Kirkland, we obtained a New York State permit to develop the first section of our anticipated trail system using the town’s historic railroad beds. As of 2020, the first three miles section of trail is open to the public, and it has become quite popular with walkers, runners, and bicyclists. The trail heads south from the intersection of Rtes. 12B and 233 to Rte. 315 in Deansboro, where it directly connects to the Town of Marshall’s three-mile Towpath Trail. Combining these two trails creates a six-mile continuous trail, one way. An easy access point to the Kirkland Trail is along Dugway Rd., just off Rte. 12B south. As additional trail sections are developed in Kirkland, they could connect to railroad and canal corridors in surrounding areas, including the Empire State Trail.

In 2024, a ribbon-cutting event was held to celebrate the completion of the final one-mile trail section of Kirkland Trail South, extending from the Dugway Rd. trailhead northward to Rte. 12B. This new section joins the existing two-mile trail extending along the old O&W Railroad corridor from Dugway Rd. south to Rte. 315 in Deansboro. In Deansboro, the trail connects to the Town of Marshall’s three-mile Towpath Trail, extending southward to Oriskany Falls. In total, our community now has a full six-mile section of safe, scenic off-road trail for walkers, runners, bikers, nature-lovers, skiers, and snowshoers.

Kirkland Trails is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors, elected annually by our membership. The board meets monthly and has multiple active sub-committees. As of May, 2020, we gained IRS designation as a public charity and are tax-exempt under IRS Section 501(c)3.

Clouded Sulphur

Clouded Sulphur

Our website has lots of important information. Please read on to learn more about our board members, updated nature blogs about wildflowers and birds seen along the trail, and even occasional fairy houses! Information about how to donate to Kirkland Trails also is available. We depend upon our members for direct financial support, so please consider becoming a member and supporting Kirkland Trails!

Give online here or you can also donate by check. Please make checks payable to ‘Kirkland Trails’ and mail them to: PO Box 86 Clinton, NY 13323. 

Please consider becoming a Kirkland Trails member or sponsor. Your membership and donations go directly to materials for the trails (gravel, bridges, culverts), insurance, costs associated with land surveys and titles, and grant applications.

Thank you for your support!

Ernest Williams Nature Observations – October 1, 2024

December 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Ernest Williams Nature Observations – October 1, 2024

The one-mile trail north of Dugway Rd is now ready! We will celebrate the completion of this part of the trail at 3:00 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 1. Take a walk and see what you [...]

Ernest Williams Nature Observations – September 1, 2024

December 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Ernest Williams Nature Observations – September 1, 2024

More than 50 plant species are in flower and fruit along the trail now, and below is just a selection of what you can find. This is the time of greatest diversity of flowering [...]